Главная Промышленная автоматика.

Institute of Physics, 1977.

[8] Furutsuka, Т., A. Higashisaka, Y. Aono, Y. Takayama, and

F. Hasegawa, Electronics Letters, 15:417, 1979. [9] Macksey, H.M., D.W. Shaw, and W.R. Wisseman, Electronics Letters, 12:192, 1976. [10] Frensley, W.R. and H.M. Macksey, Proceedings of 7th Biennial Cornell Electrical Engineering Conference, p. 445. Ithaca: Cornell University, 1979. [11] DAsaro, L.A., J.V. DiLorenzo, and H. Fukui, Intl. Electron

Device Meeting Technical Digest, p. 370. New York: IEEE, 1977.

[12] Macksey. H.M., H.Q. Tserng, and S.R. Nelson, 1981 International Solid State Circuits Conference, Digest of Technical Papers, p. 70. New York: IEEE, 1981.

к главе 10

[ 1 ] W.C. Niehaus et al., Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds (St. Louis) 1976. (Inst. Phys. Conf. Series No. 33b) pp. 271-280. London: Adam Helger/The Institute of Physics,1977.

[2] W. Niehaus, Fourth Annual European Microwave Conference, Vienna, April 1977.

[3] S. Wemple et al, Electronic Letters, 14:175, 1978.

[4] J.V. DiLorenzo, W.R. Wisseman, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, MTT-27:367, 1979.

[5] M. Fukuta et al., IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, MTT-24:312, 1976.

[6] H.M. Macksey et al., IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-24: 113, 1977.

[7] F. Hasegawa et al., ISSCC Technical Digest, 118, 1978.

[8] H.M. Macksey et al., presented at 1978 Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Microwave Materials and Devices (WOCSEMMAD), February 1978.

[9] M. Fukuta et al., IEEE Trans. Electron Device, ED-25:559, 1978.

[10] H.M. Сох, J.V. DiLorenzo and L.A. DAsaro, Paper presented at the Gallium Arsenide 1С Symposium, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, Sept. 1979.

[11] H.M. Cox, J.V. DiLorenzo, Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds (St. Louis) 1976. (Inst. Phys, Conf. Ser. 3 3b). London: Adam Helger/The Institute of Physics, 1977.

[12] S.M. Wemple, W.C. Niehaus, IEEE Trans, on Electron Devices, ED-27, no. 6:1013, 1980.

[13] L.A. DAsaro, J.V. DiLorenzo, and H. Fukui, lEDM Technical Digest, December 1977, pp. 370-371; and IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-25:1218, 1978.

[14] S.H. Wemple and W.C. Niehaus, Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds (St. Louis) 1976 (Inst. Phys. Conf. Series No. 33b), pp. 262-270. London: Adam Helger/The Institute of Physics, 1977.

[15] T. Furutsuka, T. Tsuji and F. Hasegawa, IEEE Trans., ED-25: 563, 1978.

[16] R. Yamamoto, A. Higashisaka, F. Hasegawa, IEEE Trans. Electron Device., ED-25:567, 1978.

[17] S.H. Wemple et al, in press.

[18] K. Morizane, M. Dosen, Y. Mori, in Gallium Arsenide and

Related Compounds (St. Louis) 1978 (Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 45), p. 287. London: Adam Helger/The Institute of Physics, 1978.

[19] H. Fukui et al, lEDM Technical Digest (Late News), Washington, DC, December 3-5, 1979. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, in press.

[20] H. Fukui et al, in 18th Annual Proc. Reliability Physics, 151, 1980.

[21 ] A.S. Jordan, J.C. Irvin, and W.O. Schlosser, I8th Am. Proc. Reliab. Phys. Symp., Las Vegas, 123, 1980.

[22] H.M. Macksey, L.W. Joy, RADC-TR-80-124 (Rome Air Development Center Interim Technical Report), April 1980.

[23] W.C. Niehaus, in press.

[24] A.R. Tretola, J.C. Irvin.J. of Appl. Physics, 39:3 563, 1968. [25] J.C.M. Hwang, in press.

[26] K. Chino, Y. Wada, Japan J. of Appl. Phys., 16:1823, 1977.

[27] A. Christou, K. Sieger, Sixth Biennial Conference on Active Microwave Semiconductor Devices and Circuits. Cornell University, Aug. 16-18, 1977.

[28] K. Ohata, M. Ogawa, I2th Annual Proc. Rel. Phys. Symposium (IEEE), 278, 1974.

[29] D.A. Abbott, J.A. Turner, IEEE Trans, on Microwave Theory and Techniques, MTT-24:317, 1976.

[30] R. Lundgren, RADC-TR-78-2U, Oct. 1978.

[31] M. Macksey, F. Doerbeck, R. Vaele, Trans, on Electron Devices, ED-27:467, 1980.

[32] J.C. Irvin, A. Loya, Bell System Technical Journal, 57:2823, 1978.

[33] A.T. English, K.L. Tai, P.A. Turner, / Appl. Phys., 45:3747, 1974.

[34] S.?.}A\ir3k2ieX.a\..,J. of Electrochemical Society, 125:156, 1978.

[35] S.H. Wemple, and H.C. Huang, contribution in this volume.

[36] H. Fukui, in 1980 lEDM Technical Digest, Washington, D.C., December 8-10, 1980.

[37] I. Drukier et al., Electron. Lett., 104, 1975. к главе 11

[1] Joyce, W.B., Solid State Electronics, 18:321, 1975.

[2] Ruch, J.G., and W. Fawcett,/. Appl. Phys., 41:3843, 1970.

[3] Cooke, Microwaves, February 1978, p. 55.

[4] Cohn, S.B., IRE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques,

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