Главная Промышленная автоматика.

[1] Preliminary report - International Algebraic Language, Comm. Assoc. Сотр. Much., 1, № 12 (1958), 8.

[2] Report on tlie Algorithmic Language ALGOL by the ACM Committee on Programming Languages and the GAMM Committee on Programming, ed. by A. J. Perlis and K. Samelson, Numerische Mathematik, 1 (1959), 41-60.

.[3] В a с 1{ u s J. W., The syntax and semantics of the proposed international algebraic language of the Zurich ACM - GAMM conference ICIP, Paris, June 1959.

[4] Gill S., A process for the step by step integration of differential . equations with digital computing machine, Proc. Cambr. Philos. Soc, 47 (1951), 96.

[5] F г 6b erg C. E., On the-solution of ordinary differential equations with digital computing machines, Fysiograf. Sallsk. Lund, Forhd 20, № 11 (1950), 136-152.

[6] В a с к u s J. W., Bayer F. L., Green J., К a t z C, McCarthy J., Naur P. (editor), Perlis A. J., Rutishauser H., Samelson K-, V a u q u о i s В., W e g s t e i n J. H., van Wijngaarden A., Woodger M., Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL-60, Nymerische Mathematik, 2, № 2 (I960), 106-136; русски!] перевод: Сообщение об алгоритмическом языке АЛГОЛ-60, Ж. вычислит, матем. и матем. физики. 1, № 2 (I96I), 308-342.

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